Happy New Year to everyone from the Nanotech West Staff. In the last two months Nanotech West has been only the fourth OSU laboratory to undergo the “Green Buckeye Certification” process. The process consists of a survey of approximately 100 questions that include energy efficiency and conservation; recycling and waste reduction; chemical usage storage and disposal; water conservation; and “green” …
IMR Staff Debuts New T-Shirt
IMR staff brought out their new T-shirt in late September. The back of the T-shirt spelled out “INSTITUTE [for] MATERIALS RESEARCH” in letters corresponding to elements in the Periodic Table (OK, the authors took some creative license with a few…). Also in the spelling are initials of IMR and IMR-affiliated Labs, specifically, NTW (Nanotech West), CEMAS (Center for Electron Microscopy …
Nanotech West Lab / Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research Staff Ride in Peletonia Cancer Charity Bicycle Weekend
In early August, Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research members at the Nanotech West (NTW) Lab formed a peloton for Pelotonia 2015 and raised over $15,000 for Cancer Research at The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Center. “Team IMR” – Veni Velo Vici was comprised of 7 IMR members and 6 friends and family. Riders from IMR/NTW were Derek …
Nanotech West Hosts ECE “MeetUp”
On 01 October, Nanotech West staff hosted a “Meetup” for alumni of the OSU Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Approximately 10 alumni attended the event. Light food was served; the staff gave talks describing Nanotech West and the Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research; and the group toured the lab. RJD
Tools Moved to Central Campus
Several non-cleanroom tools are moving to Central Campus. They are under the group of Prof. Jim Lee, and most are heading to the new Chemical Engineering building. They include some user tools: The NanoInk dip-pen lithography tool, DPN01; The Brookhaven Dynamic Light Scattering system, DLS01; The Asylum atomic force microscope, AFM02; The Varian ICP-OES tool. These and other tools have …
Day at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium… Continued…..
NTW Staff Member and IMR Sr. Research Associate Aimee Bross Price helps feed a young giraffe at the OR HR Staff Appreciation Event on Sept. 11th 2015. The giraffe snarfed the lettuce down so fast that I didn’t get the picture… RJD
Nanotech West Lab and OSSIP Staff Members at the Columbus Zoo
As part of the Office of Research Staff Appreciation Day, Nanotech West staff members / Ohio Sensor and Semiconductor Innovation Platform engineers attended an event on Friday, September 11th at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Lunch was provided overlooking the new Africa Savannah exhibit (very impressive, by the way, for this writer, who has been to that continent), and after …
Electron Transport of Schottky Barrier ZnO Nanowire Field Effect Transistors
This Nanotech West Lab Research News article was contributed by the group of Prof. Wu Lu, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, of The Ohio State University ZnO nanowires (NWs) have attracted great attention as an important material for electronic and optoelectronic device applications due to its wide band gap and high exciton binding energy. It is a native n-type …
Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging for Rapid Extended Defect Characterization
This Nanotech West Lab Research News article was contributed by Dr. Santino Carnevale in the research group of Prof. Steven Ringel, Neal A. Smith Chair Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, of The Ohio State University. When researchers consider how to image extended defects (e.g. dislocations, stacking faults) in single crystal samples, in all likelihood the first technique they consider is …
HfO2 Speckle Patterns for Measuring Local Deformation in Nickel-base Superalloys
The next generation of advanced power plants in the United States will place high demands on the materials used to build them: steam turbine blades will continuously experience temperatures up to 750 ºC and stresses of 150 MPa for the lifetime of the plant. Designing materials to withstand these extreme conditions over a period of years requires a nuanced understanding …