IMR Staff Debuts New T-Shirt

IMR staff brought out their new T-shirt in late September.

The back of the T-shirt spelled out “INSTITUTE [for] MATERIALS RESEARCH” in letters corresponding to elements in the Periodic Table (OK, the authors took some creative license with a few…). Also in the spelling are initials of IMR and IMR-affiliated Labs, specifically, NTW (Nanotech West), CEMAS (Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis), NSL (NanoSystems Lab), and SEAL (Semiconductor Epitaxy and Analysis Lab). Nanotech West Fiscal Associate Ms. Aleni Torres holds the new shirt. Also below is a closeup of the letters along with the “key” that was distributed with them.

Unfortunately, there are no plans at this time to make the shirt available to people other than the direct IMR staff. This might change.

[By the way, the “key” was not subject to review by this author, otherwise, Erbium would have been pointed out to be essential to modern high-speed fiber optic communications, namely, its application to Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers….]