Nanotech West Lab / Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research Staff Ride in Peletonia Cancer Charity Bicycle Weekend

In early August, Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research members at the Nanotech West (NTW) Lab formed a peloton for Pelotonia 2015 and raised over $15,000 for Cancer Research at The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Center. “Team IMR” – Veni Velo Vici was comprised of 7 IMR members and 6 friends and family. Riders from IMR/NTW were Derek Hansford and Aimee Price and “virtual riders” John Carlin, Robert Davis, Derek Ditmer, David Hollingshead, and Mary McCleery. Other members of the team were George Conti, Mark Corroto, Melinda Corroto, Kristen Huener Henney, John Price, and Kevin McCleery. The riders all pedaled 100 miles on their bicycles from downtown Columbus to Kenyon College on August 8, 2015 finishing triumphantly together. Team IMR needs more riders, virtual riders, and volunteers for 2016. If you are interested in helping Team IMR break its goal of $16,000 in 2016 contact Peloton Captain (and IMR Member of the Technical Staff) Aimee Price at

The celebration for the event will take place on November 18.

Article and Picture Contributed by Aimee Price