Monthly, the OSU Nanotech West Lab (managed by IMR) struggles with accounting and paperwork associated with the numerous tools and instruments for which it charges user fees. All of these tools have historically had paper log sheets. Other OSU systems that are available to Nanotech West (NTW) have not fit its needs. A very limited few commercial systems exist but …
New Furnace Tube Up and Running
As of mid-October we have a new furnace tube system at Nanotech West. It is a 150 mm Across International table-top system capable of 1200 C. It is intended for users who need furnace treatments for non-silicon applications with the advantage that they can buy their own furnace tubes that can easily be swapped out. The purchase of this furnace …
New Wireless Access Points in Nanotech West Cleanroom Bays
In the Nanotech West cleanroom, wireless access to the OSU network has, in the past, been poor in part due to the aluminum walls of the cleanroom. OSU IT has finished installing four new wireless access points, one in each bay of the cleanroon. They turned on yesterday morning. Wireless network access should now be greatly improved. Bob Davis
Nanotech West Staff Member Featured on Alumni Newsletter Cover
Ms. Aimee Price, Senior Research Associate of the Ohio State Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research (IMR) and a Nanotech West staff member, was featured on the cover of the July 2014 Alumni Newsletter of the OSU Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department. Aimee is shown holding a sample holder for the Vistec EBPG 5000 electron beam nanolithography tool. …
Microfabricated “Hotplates” for Understanding the Materials Science of the Earth’s Core
[The following research report was contributed by the research group of Prof. Wendy Panero of the Ohio State School of Earth Sciences, particularly by graduate student Jeff Pigott] The dynamics of the planet Earth, as controlled by the rock composition at depth and the thermal variations within the interior, drive plate tectonics, generate the planet’s magnetic field, and produce …
Nanotech West / NanoSystems Lab Annual Safety Retraining Program Begins
[This is an online repeat of an email that all users should have received today] All users of Ohio State Nanotech West Lab and the NanoSystems Lab: Annual Safety Retraining for all users in the Columbus area begins next week. This year we are offering two options. If you are a user who attended a full hour session last year, …
NTW/NSL Announce Second Annual Safety Retraining Program
All users – Starting the second week of May (following IMR Materials Week), we will start our second annual Safety Retraining Program. All users in the Columbus area will be required to attend a session. For users outside of the Columbus area we will make arrangements to hold a convenient session when they visit campus. We currently have a preliminary …
New Faces at Nanotech West
New personnel for the Ohio Sensor and Semiconductor Innovation Platform (OSSIP), an Ohio Third Frontier and Ohio Development Services Agency Program that is centered at the Nanotech West Lab, were hired in late February. The two new Research Associates that will be seen at Nanotech West are Mr. Dave Hollingshead (left center in photo) and Mr. Jay DeLombard (right center). …
Cantilever Couplers for Low-loss Fiber Coupling to Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits
[This Nanotech West Lab Research News article was contributed by the group of Prof. Ron Reano, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and ElectroScience Laboratory, of The Ohio State University] Silicon photonics is a promising approach for chip-scale integrated optics. A single-mode silicon strip waveguide designed for operation in the infrared, for example, has a typical submicron cross-section of …
Nanotech West Users win NIH Phase I SBIR
A small local company, Columbus NanoWorks, that uses Nanotech West has recently been awarded a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). See below for text from Dr. Arfaan Rampersaud, CNW President: Columbus NanoWorks is pleased to announce that the company has been awarded a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research contract …