New Installation Brings MOCVD Gallium Oxide Capability to NTW

NTW’s Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) Lab took delivery of a third MOCVD system on November 28, 2018. The new Agilis R&D MOCVD system manufactured by Agnitron (tool code CVD04) is an RF heated quartz tube system specially designed over the last few years for GaO and AlGaO epitaxy. The new system design, capable of depositing on 50mm substrates at temperatures as high as 1050°C, has recently been used by Agnitron researchers to produce world record mobilities in β-Ga2O3 and will be a key supplier of epitaxial materials in support of a recent 5 year Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) award sponsored by AFOSR – “Gallium Oxide Materials Science and Engineering – GAME”. Led by Professor Hongping Zhao (ECE), a Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability (M&Ms) Discovery Theme faculty recruitment, the system will be facilitized over the coming months and will require some brief shutdowns of various systems while these new connections are made. We will notify all users well in advance of any planned tool outages as we bring this exciting new capability online, but please excuse any small inconveniences it may create.

For more information, contact NTW Director John Carlin ( or another NTW staff member.