Dr. Peter Mohler, interim VP for Research, has allowed the “people density” for all Research and Creative Expression activities at OSU to be increased back to 100%, PROVIDED that campus physical distancing requirements can be maintained and all other university guidance (located on the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website) for activities on campus are followed.
- Effective today users no longer need to reserve a slot to access the labs at NTW.
- 6-foot social distancing during lab use is still required.
- MOST room density restrictions and posting are removed. (Some exceptions still apply and are marked by NEW signs)
- Sanitation requirements still apply.
- Masks must continue to be properly worn at all times in lab spaces, shared spaces and hallways. Masks must cover your nose, mouth and chin.
In addition, please note that the NTW Cleanroom will continue to be CLOSED / NTW STAFF ONLY during the following times each week :
- Tuesday (1 PM – 6 PM)
- Wednesday (9 AM – 1 PM)
Researchers who schedule time or enter the cleanroom during these times will be asked to leave.
Note: Although staff continues to monitor room density and safety procedures, please notify an NTW staff member should you notice or have any concerns.
If you have questions or need clarification, please contact any of the staff or the front desk (nanotech@osu.edu).