Nanotech West would like to help welcome a visitor, Ms. Elisa Garcia-Tabares, to the research group of Prof. Steve Ringel. Elisa will be spending quite a bit of her time at our Lab during her three month stay at Ohio State.
Ms. Garcia-Tabares is currently a Ph.D. student in the III-V semiconductor group at the Institute of Solar Energy of the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM), Spain, working in the group of Prof. Carlos Algora. Her research interests include the growth of III-V on silicon multijunction solar cells using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).
The UPM Solar group is one of the strongest PV research groups in the world, with activities ranging from basic studies to full PV systems. Its spin-offs include the commercial company Isofoton and the major Spanish concentrator research and test installation, ISFOC, located southeast of Madrid. The OSU Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research has a formal collaboration agreement with UPM in several advanced materials topics including advanced optoelectronic device development.
Elisa’s trip to the United States is funded by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid under an international short-term stay program for research development.
Ms. Garcia-Tabares received a B.S. in Materials Engineering in 2009 from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and an M.S. in Photovoltaic Solar Energy in 2011 from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Join us in welcoming Elisa! Bienvenido!
Bob Davis
Director, Nanotech West Lab
Photo: Ms. Elisa Garcia-Tabares and Nanotech West Associate Director Dr. John Carlin